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EAN : 9780380779826
406 pages
Avon Books (01/01/1982)

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Résumé :
They are cool to the touch and alluringly beautiful in their ageless youth, and their fathomless eyes are the eyes which transfix..The secrets they guard are rendered in the iron doors and gothic traceries of Notre Dame. Their arts and science are the light of civilization. Their consciousness, so old, so vastly superior, stands vigil over human progress. They were the Illuminali, They are the vampire. The players in this story are: Dr. John Gladstone, a fashionable... >Voir plus
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Que lire après The Delicate DependencyVoir plus
Citations et extraits (4) Ajouter une citation
There on the floor was a large Galapagos tortoise. To our further surprise, as it slowly moved through the door we saw that it was inlaid with guilt and completely encrusted with jewels. Every inch of the carapace of its back glimmered with rubies, emeralds, diamonds, topazes, opals, and pearls. Furthermore, attached to the bejeweled back was a golden tray sparklingly laden with cordial glasses and a decanter of an unknown liqueur.
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After their initial sympathy the newspapers soon realized it was the lurid details of the case that sold copy. The Times ran headlines like "Prominent Physician's Daughter Taken by Body Snatchers", and The Illustrated London News ran hideous lithographs of every possible atrocity that might be performed upon little Camille. They were stories for the "penny dreadfuls" and they made life nearly unbearable.
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As if following some secret stage direction the female onlookers were overcome with that most favorite Victorian feminine afflictions, the vapors, and one by one began to faint into carefully chosen arms and couches.
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I gave a start. "A vampire Pope!"
"I don't believe it."
"Who cares?"
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Vous avez dit vampires ?

Qui a écrit "Dracula" ?

Oscar Wilde
Bram Stoker
Arthur Conan Doyle
Mary Selley

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