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EAN : 9781938922442
192 pages
Distributed Art Publishers (01/09/2014)
4.5/5   2 notes
Résumé :
In 2001, Nick Brandt embarked on an ambitious photographic project, a trilogy of books memorializing the vanishing natural grandeur of East Africa. Focusing on some of the worlds last great populations of large mammals elephants, giraffes, lions, gorillas and their kin he created two of the new centurys most influential photographic books: On This Earth (2005) and A Shadow Falls (2009). His iconic portraits of these majestic animals express an empathy usually reserv... >Voir plus
Que lire après On This Earth, a Shadow FallsVoir plus

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Les plus populaires : Non-fiction Voir plus

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Les titres des romans de Clarisse Sabard

Compléter le titre : "Un air d'.............."


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