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EAN : 9780230706958
704 pages
Macmillan (30/08/2012)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Ash is James Herbert s most controversial novel to date, and will make you wonder what is fact and what is fiction.

They were miscreants with black souls, roaming the corridors and passageways. Infamous people thought long-deceased. Hiding and nurturing their evil in a basement full of secrets so shocking they would shake the world if they were ever revealed.
David Ash, ghost hunter and parapychologist, arrives at Comraich Castle a desolate, an... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Good last novel from James Herbert, feels almost like greatest hits compilation as it has many themes of Herbert's previous novels (ferocious animals, deranged maniacs, supernatural forces and of course the return of Ash, to name but a few. Blending fact with fiction, this was Herbert at his most playful (even incorporating a Rats novel in joke) and his supporting cast of both fictional and real characters gives this novel a real sense of blockbuster scale. This isn't by any means one of his greatest works, the almost relentless action of the second half losses much of the tightly plotted tension of some of his previous books, though if you've read and enjoyed The Fog, The Dark, Domain or The Ghosts of Sleath then you'll be on familiar ground of Herbert working on a broad canvas. Worth a read if for no other reason than one last scene involving a hoard of rats, what more fitting subject for this great authors final book.
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Citations et extraits (3) Ajouter une citation
Would you call it that, Simon?’ ‘I’d prefer to say it’s a retreat.’ ‘A religious retreat?’ asked Ash. Maseby gave a sharp bark of derision. ‘No, it has nothing to do with religion, even though one of our residents was an archbishop in his better years. When his mind wasn’t so addled.’ ‘It’s a mental institution?’ Ash refrained from calling it an asylum. ‘As I said, we refer to it as a retreat.’ ‘But a retreat from what?’ Ash persisted. ‘From the world, Mr Ash,’ Maseby said simply. His smile this time was thin-lipped.
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Small in stature and unremarkable in appearance – he could reasonably have been taken for a poorly paid accounts clerk on his lunch break – which suited his role perfectly. Although Twigg appeared commonplace, his unblinking grey-eyed stare could be quite unsettling if directed your way. And although his shoulders were narrow, they were strong and capable of exerting great force through his deceptively dainty hands. With a pot-belly recently beginning to swell over his belt buckle, the assumed image was complete.
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‘We hope you will come on board, Mr Ash.’ Mystified but intrigued, Ash nodded in acquiescence and Kate breathed a sigh of relief. Despite her recommendation to Maseby, she hadn’t been sure that David Ash had truly recovered his nerve.
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