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EAN : 9781422264461
Simon & Schuster Audio (16/02/2010)
4.1/5   5 notes
Résumé :
Since his first novel was published in 1974, Stephen King has stretched the boundaries of the storyteller as a writer who constantly redefines his readers' experience by working in various genres and formats . Whether in an epic horror novel, like THE STAND, a serial-novel like THE GREEN MILE, or a novella like SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION, King is able to deliver a reading experience like no one else can. As quickly as a spider spins its web, King reminds us why he's the m... >Voir plus
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Mr. Wesley Smith, English teacher with a bibliophiles complete love of the written word. Not a friend to technology, he's about to purchase a Kindle. A device designed to read books in digital format, that happens to come equipped with some extra capabilities. Smith receives his Kindle shortly after placing his order and we're off and running: our man of many words beginning a new exploratory mission. While perusing the Kindle's instructions he finds the UR functions and begins to delve into an area that holds a few startling surprises. It's not long before Wesley's examination of the Kindle and this awkward UR function leaves him doubting his own sanity. Smith seeks knowledge from a few friends, who hit him with some news: he's not insane, but he is about to enter some unexplored territories.
I enjoyed this story and recommend that you reserve the sliver of time required to read it.
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Citations et extraits (7) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
“A good school,” he said, “is one nobody has ever heard of outside a thirty-mile radius. People call it a good school because nobody knows it’s a bad school, and most people are optimists, although they may claim they are not. People who call themselves realists are often the biggest optimists of all.”
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Once, winded, he lay back and said, “I’ll never equal you as a lover.” “If you keep talking snooty like that, you won’t be my lover for long. You’re okay, Wes.” But he guessed he wasn’t. He guessed he was just sort of…mediocre.
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He heard that part—“I’m supposed to be the adult”—and said Uh-huh for the fifth or sixth time, which was one time too many for Ellen Silverman, whose fiery temper hadn’t exhausted itself for the day after all.
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They were in some ways perfectly matched, at least for the short term; she was fiery iron, straight from the forge, and he—in his apartment filled with books—was the water in which she cooled herself.
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Don Allman was speechless. He could only stare. “She walked out,” Wesley said miserably. “I haven’t seen or spoken to her since.” “Haven’t even called to say you’re sorry?”
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