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EAN : 9780861404216
352 pages
Colin Smythe Ltd (23/04/1999)
3.5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
The Colour of Magic & The Light Fantastic: This is how the Discworld began... In The Colour of Magic the failed wizard Rincewind burst upon the world and hasn't stopped running since. This was the book that started the phenomenally successful fantasy series. Here is the sapient pearwood Luggage, a mobile trunk which launders any clothes put in it and incidentally homicidally defends its owner. Here is Twoflower, an innocent tourist in a world of nightmares and fairy... >Voir plus
Que lire après The First Discworld Novels : The Colour of Magic - The Light FantasticVoir plus

Videos de Terry Pratchett (18) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Terry Pratchett
Extrait de "De bons présages" de Terry Pratchett et Neil Gaiman lu par Stéphane Ronchewski. Parution en numérique le 24 septembre.
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En quelle année est né Terry Pratchett ?


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