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Paula Guran (Autre)
EAN : 9781607013549
384 pages
Prime Books (28/08/2012)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
The spirits of the dead have walked among our legends, myths, and stories since before recorded history. Ghostly visitations, hauntings, unquiet souls seeking the living, vengeful wraiths, the possibility of life beyond the grave that can somehow reach out and touch us are some of literature’s most enduring icons. Now, in the twenty-first century, we are no less fascinated with phantoms than our cave-dwelling ancestors or our Victorian-age forebears.
Thirty m... >Voir plus

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Sweet Sixteen

Comment s’appellent les deux personnages principaux?

Molly Costello et Sherwood Sanders
Grace Anderson et Molly Costello
Grace Anderson et Maxene Tate

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