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EAN : 9781472215031
608 pages
Headline Review (12/03/2015)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
The reign of Richard II is troubled, the poor are about to become poorer still and landowners are lining their pockets. It's a case of every man for himself, whatever his status or wealth. But in a world where nothing can be taken at face value, who can you trust?

The dour wool merchant?
His impulsive son?
The stepdaughter with the hypnotic eyes?
Or the raven-haired widow clutching her necklace of bloodstones?

And w... >Voir plus
Que lire après The Vanishing WitchVoir plus

Videos de Karen Maitland (3) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Karen Maitland
The Book Channel visits Lowdham Book Festival and presenter Tina Bettison talks to author Karen Maitland about her lataest book The Owl Killers. The Book Channel is broadcast on Sky 166 and Freesat 402 and all programmes can be viewed on the Book Channel website, (2009/07)
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La Compagnie des Menteurs

En quelle année est paru en France "La Compagnie des Menteurs" ?


15 questions
46 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : La compagnie des menteurs de Karen MaitlandCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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