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EAN : 9780571380879
256 pages
Faber and Faber (29/06/2023)
4/5   1 notes
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Que lire après Uncle Paul: Waterstones Thriller of the MonthVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Meg has to go and help her sister Isabel who is on holiday in a seaside resort. Indeed, their half-sister Mildred is in a puff. She has rented a cottage that is the one where her husband, Uncle Paul, was arrested for the murder of his previous wife… and Mildred is sure he is back for revenge. Meg tries to stay calm between Mildred and Isabel, but the paranoia catches everyone, including Meg who sees everywhere clues that Uncle Paul is back. A nightmare holiday told in a very British way, full of humour and self-depreciation. A fantastic little novel.
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Rubbish !”, she snapped. “A woman can discipline a boy just as well as a man can. In my day, widows were doing it by the thousand, and with most creditable results. And with no help from the Welfare State, either. Whenever I hear that a child is going to the bad because he hasn’t got a father, I always ask the same question: Why hasn’t he got a father? In nine cases out of ten, it’s not that the father is dead, it’s that he’s gone off somewhere. Gone off because his wife doesn’t know how to hold him. It stands to reason that the kind of woman who doesn’t know how to keep a man contented and under control won’t know how to keep a child contented and under control either. To say that a broken home causes a child to go astray is like saying that a broken teapot causes a broken plate. Really it’s just that the same housemaid has dropped both of them.
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Video de Celia Fremlin (1) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Celia Fremlin
Pour terminer en beauté cette troisième saison dans les coulisses du genre, Nicolas Perge, auteur-réalisateur, immense fan de polars à l'âme de collectionneur, partage avec nous sa passion pour la Reine du crime et nous dévoile ses coups de cœur, pêchés comme des trésors dans le fonds des éditions du Masque. Du Agatha Christie, bien sûr, mais également de pures pépites méconnues de la littérature noire, écrites par Catherine Arley, Celia Fremlin ou encore Kyril Bonfiglioli. De quoi alimenter vos longues soirées d'hiver au coin du feu... Bonne écoute ! 🎧
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Karine Giebel ou Barbara Abel

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Karine Giebel
Barbara Abel

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