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sur 260 notes

Critiques filtrées sur 1 étoiles  
You can tell it was written by millennials who never met teenagers in their lives by how cringe this was. What a painful read ! At first, I thought it was because it was YA (it is REALLY YA, maybe even less mature than that) and that me being 25 couldn't resonate with that kind of writing anymore.But it is just so cringe. The cultural references at every dialogue that scream "we know what young people like these days!!" (obviously not), the painfully corny dialogues that are so unrealistic that they wouldn't be found even in a 2012 MTV teen drama... Not every line needed a painfully repulsive reference of Harry Potter fanfiction, Pokemon porn or Hamilton. I had to take a break from reading every 20 pages because I was cringing too hard. The story itself... Just really basic and stereotypical. The pacing was okay but everything was so obvious and predictable that I really refrained myself from DNF this book after the first 50 pages.Another thing that was really annoying : the tentative of "diversification" of the characters felt fo forced. It feels like the authors still wanted to have white main characters but felt like they had to give them other ethnicities. Really unnecessary. It's my first Adam Silvera's read and, sadly, probably my last. I was excited to read more from him after all the fuss on Booktok but this might not be for me.
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Moi, Simon, 16 ans, Homo Sapiens

Qui est la première personne à savoir que Simon est gay?


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