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Brandon Perlow (Autre)Rick Leonardi (Autre)Larry Stroman (Autre)Khary Randolph (Autre)Paul Mendoza (Autre)
EAN : 9798400900266
264 pages
Yen Press (21/03/2023)
3.7/5   5 notes
Résumé :
With Esil the demon noble’s guidance and his shadow army by his side, Jinwoo’s making his way up the floors of the Demon Castle at a breakneck pace. At this rate, it won’t be long before he reaches the top floor to face Balan the Demon Monarch. Meanwhile, on the other side of the gate, an unexpected and most unwelcome magic beast is spotted on the shores of Japan...

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Quiz Voir plus

Le manga en quelques mots (facile)

Quel est le pays d'origine du manga ?

La Chine
Le Laos
Le Vietnam
Le Japon

5 questions
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Thèmes : manga , mangakaCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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