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EAN : 9780192842077
256 pages
Oxford University Press (01/01/1997)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
China can boast a history of art lasting over 5000 years and embracing a huge diversity of forms - objects of jade, lacquer and porcelain, painted scrolls and fans, sculptures in stone, bronze and wood, calligraphy, and murals.

But this rich tradition has not, until now, been fully appreciated in the West where scholars have focused their attention on the European high arts of painting and sculpture, downplaying arts more highly prized by the Chinese ... >Voir plus
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Oh boy!

Qui sont les personnages principaux?

Tom et Jerry
Siméon, Morgane et Venise
Jacques et Jacquie
Eckel et Jeckel

7 questions
190 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Oh, boy ! de Marie-Aude MurailCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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