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EAN : 9781988003641
285 pages
Gatineau Hills Publishing (01/05/2021)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
The St.Ives Book Club is at it again when, while out hunting, one of their members finds a skeleton in Lucinda Pye's field. The grisly discovery turns out to be Professor Gower Pye, Lucinda's common-law husband, who disappeared after a fractious dinner party at the farm seven years ago.

St. Ives's amateur sleuths have questions. Why was Gower not found by before this? If the professor of medieval studies was murdered, who did it and why? Their questio... >Voir plus
Que lire après Death Knocks TwiceVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Quel plaisir de lire ce 2e tome de la série "A St. Ives Book Club Mystery"! Avec ses personnages colorés et attachants qui, pour plusieurs, on tout leur temps pour fouiner et questionner les différents résidents qu'ils jugent suspects, ce "who done it" est un régal. La bonne nouvelle, c'est que ce n'est que le début d'une longue série.
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Citations et extraits (5) Ajouter une citation
God's judgement is upon me. I can't remember if I turned off the stove or pulled the plug in the bathtub but the past has come back with a vengeance. God is humbling me. I forget to zip my pants up but I remember the day I got tenure.
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"Ah, youth", Avery thought, gazing at the young man. Everything was life and death with them. One day they'll be over fifty and realize only death was death. Everything else was a second chance.
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He wrote longhand; Gladiola did the typing and corrections on an electric typewriter. He had this pretentious notion that computers drained a story of its soul.
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He worried her. She wondered what he was thinking, which in itself was unusual because in Lucinda's experience, a man was rarely thinking anything important.
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"A clubhouse sandwich is like the merry-go-round of sandwiches," Avery said. "It's the safest ride on the fairground."l
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