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Bigtime tome 1 sur 2
EAN : 978B01BOE2M0G
Jennifer Estep (01/11/2013)
3.83/5   3 notes
Résumé :
Bigtime, New York, is not big enough for both Carmen Cole and the superheroes and ubervillains who stalk its streets. An intrepid reporter, Carmen's dedicated her life to unmasking the spandexwearers, all because her fiancé turned out to be a superhero, and a cheating one at that-sleeping with none other than his nubile nemesis.

Exposing the true identities of the nation's caped crusaders and their archenemies has catapulted Carmen from her sleepy sou... >Voir plus
Que lire après Bigtime, tome 1 : Karma GirlVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Ce livre est à la fois une histoire de super-héros, et une caricature de ces mêmes histoires, le tout raconté façon chick-lit.

Tout les clichés du super-héros y sont représentés de manière intelligente et drôle, et j'ai pris beaucoup de plaisir à lire ce livre, malgré quelques lourdeurs dans la partie romance ...
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In the end, it was ridiculously easy. There was always someone the superhero saved over and over and over again, whether it was a wanna-be girlfriend or a boyfriend or a kindly widowed aunt. All you had to do was find thatspecial peson and see who was closest to them. Then, badabing, bada-boom, you found your superhero.
As for the ubervillains, their hunger for money and power tripped them up. Most ubervillains had buckets of cash gotten in less-than-legal ways and were ofteh involved in shady land development deals.
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Qui l'a lu ?

Quel est le véritable métier de Gin ?

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10 questions
54 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : L'Exécutrice, tome 1 : Le Baiser de l'Araignée de Jennifer EstepCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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