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EAN : 978B000UDMR76
Penguin (30/11/-1)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
English novelist, Ford's eccentric personality and varied output has been attributed to the obscurity of his achievements. No More Parades is the second book of his four-volume work titled Parade's End. The subject was the world as it culminated in the war; the story centers on Christopher Tietjens, an officer and gentleman, the last English Tory, and follows him from the secure, orderly world of Edwardian England into the chaotic madness of the First World War. Aga... >Voir plus
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Harry Potter pour les nuls (niveau facile)

Combien de tomes contient la série Harry Potter


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16996 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Harry Potter, tome 1 : Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers de J. K. RowlingCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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