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EAN : 9798867543839
265 pages
Independendly Published (08/02/2024)
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Résumé :
“He is an ignored young lord, she is a lady of the night famous throughout the county.”

1646, Calasraid, Scotland.
Lily Bun, a prostitute in spite of herself, has been running a brothel in the town for many years.
Exhausted by the life she leads and driven by the dream of owning her own remote lands, she decides to accept one last well-paid contract in Doune Castle with the secretive Laird Dougal MacNeil. He engages her to turn his selfl... >Voir plus
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Tonight, my heart, weighed down with burdens, was telling me to take control of my life. It was shouting at me so loudly it was dizzying. Shaking with endless sighs, I threw myself face first onto my comfortable straw mattress.

What should I do? Show me a sign! I should know how to read it and hear it, but someone should send me one!
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