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EAN : 9781416560265
368 pages
S & S International (21/09/2009)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :

The laird of the MacLean Clan, Alexander, is the only one of his brothers who is still a bachelor. The infamous Spenser sister, known in society as The Incomparable, would love to change that. After her plan to trick him into marrying her goes horribly awry in SLEEPLESS IN SCOTLAND, The Incomparable will have a second chance to woo Alex into matrimony.
Que lire après The laird who loved meVoir plus

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Lecteurs (5) Voir plus

Quiz Voir plus

Quel est le bon titre des livres d’André Franquin ?

Gaston Lagaffe : Le ... des gaffeurs ?


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Thème : André FranquinCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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