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EAN : 9780141805740
Penguin (24/03/2005)
3.62/5   13 notes
Résumé :
Ever wondered what the Other Woman was thinking as she stole your man? Couldn't bear to ask an old best friend if she'd ever forgiven you for absconding with her boyfriend? Itched to be a fly on your agent's office wall as she ignored your calls? Here's voyeurism at its playful, charming finest in Keyes's latest (after Sushi for Beginners; Under the Duvet; etc.). Gemma Hogan is living a lovely carefree life in Dublin when her father walks out on her mother, and she ... >Voir plus
Que lire après The Other Side of the StoryVoir plus
Citations et extraits (2) Ajouter une citation
Remember, Lily, we’re not here for a long time, we’re here for a good time.
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I had never loved anyone the way I loved her and no one had ever loved me as much as she did; not even my own mother. My voice could stop her crying and her eyes sought my face, even before she could see properly.
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Vidéo de Marian Keyes
Vidéo de Marian Keyes
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Marian Keyes et la famille Walsh

Combien d'enfants compte la famille Walsh, famille emblematique qui revient dans l'oeuvre de Keyes?

5 filles
4 filles et 1 fils
4 filles
3 filles et & fils

11 questions
0 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Watermelon de Marian KeyesCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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