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EAN : 9780593463116
384 pages
Dial Books (22/03/2022)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Hunter never expected to be a boy band star, but, well, here he is. He and his band Kiss & Tell are on their first major tour of North America, playing arenas all over the United States and Canada (and getting covered by the gossipy press all over North America as well). Hunter is the only gay member of the band, and he just had a very painful breakup with his first boyfriend--leaked sexts, public heartbreak, and all--and now everyone expects him to play the perfect... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Ok so, I loved this book. In a similar way to Oseman's 'I was born for this', 'Kiss & Tell' tells the story of a boy band member. The boy band in question is quite diverse, with only two white members out of five, one of which is gay - Hunter, the main character. We clearly see how the members' lives are 'constructed' to appear in a certain way for the public, and particularly how Hunter's forced to behave a certain way to be the 'safe gay guy', who is just a nice guy, a bit effeminate and chaste and pure. All of this kind of crashes when Hunter's drunk ex posts some very inappropriate messages and pictures on Twitter. Hunter will then have to come to terms with the 'real' himself, and understand what he's willing to do to be able to continue this job. The fact that a new romance is on the horizon does not simplify things... I won't say more, but do read this!! There are a lot of very pertinent conversations which will make you think!
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Video de Adib Khorram (1) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Adib Khorram
« Darius le Grand ne va pas bien » d'Adib Khorram est en librairie depuis un mois déjà ! Pour l'occasion, nous avons souhaité mettre en avant quelques thématiques fortes liées à l'ouvrage : l'Iran et le thé avec l'intervention de Méhrnaz Lemoine du Sohan Café et la dépression, avec le discours de Monsieur Fabrice Cathala, Président de l'association France Dépression Ile-de-France.
Et restez jusqu'au bout, nous vous avons réservé une petite surprise !
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