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EAN : 9781905586684
Fandemonium Books (01/01/2014)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
A week before Christmas, Dr. Daniel Jackson discovers that archaeologists in Iceland are excavating a Norse burial site that might have connections
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Que lire après Stargate SG1 - PermafrostVoir plus
Citations et extraits (2) Ajouter une citation
(O'Neill) "Besides," he added, before it got awkward, "Iceland sounds like a festive kind of place. Maybe we'll see Santa."
"I think he lives in Lapland, sir," Carter said with a smile.
He tapped his nose. "That's just what they want you to believe, Captain."
Her smile turned into a brief grin, but she didn't argue the point.
"Santa Claus," Teal'c said, (...) "is a fiction, invented for children, is he not?
"Well, actually," Daniel said, "the origins of Santa Claus are ancient. That is, not Ancient ancient, but very old."
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"Actually", he said, keeping it light, "I'm going to spend the holidays teaching Teal'c to ski."
"Really?" Her surprise was unfeigned and jolted her irritation away. "Teal'c on skis? Is that wise?"
"Probably not, but it'll be fun. And that's the point."
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