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326 pages
Raven Books (28/03/2024)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Outside the island there is nothing: the world destroyed by a fog that swept the planet, killing anyone it touched. On the island: it is idyllic. 122 villagers and 3 scientists, living in peaceful harmony. The villagers are content to fish, farm and feast, to obey their nightly curfew, to do what they're told by the scientists.

Until, to the horror of the islanders, one of their beloved scientists is found brutally stabbed to death. And they learn the... >Voir plus
Que lire après The Last Murder at the End of the WorldVoir plus

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Vidéo de Stuart Turton
The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle - INTERVIEW with Stuart Turton
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Qui suis-je ? Les auteurs en A

J'ai écrit Le grand Meaulnes. Je suis mort au Sud de Verdun durant la première guerre mondiale. Qui suis-je ?

Jean Anouilh
Alain-Fournier (de son vrai nom Henri-Alban Fournier)
Guillaume Apollinaire
Marguerite Audoux

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