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EAN : 9780771086854
400 pages
McClelland&Stewart Inc. (30/11/-1)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
In her fifth novel, award-winning writer Jane Urquhart interweaves the sweeping power of big historical events with small but very moving personal stories. Klara Becker is the granddaughter of a woodcarver in German-settled southern Ontario. She has a love affair with a brooding, silent Irish lad who then goes off to fight, and die, in World War I. Meanwhile her older brother Tilman has literally snapped the ties that would have chained him to the family home, and v... >Voir plus
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There was a story, a true if slightly embellished story, about how the Ontario village was given it's name, it's church, its brewery, its tavern, its gardens, its grottoes, its splendid indoor altars. How it acquired its hotel, its blacksmith's shop, its streets and roads, its tannery, its cemetery, its general store. This was a legend that appealed to fewer and fewer people in the depression of the early 1930s.
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Quand les enquêteurs parlent...

— Il s’en est fallu d’un cheveu ! Sans son regard rapide, sans ses yeux de lynx, XXX XXXX, en ce moment, ne serait peut-être plus de ce monde ! Quel désastre pour l’humanité ! Sans parler de vous, Hastings ! Qu’auriez-vous fait sans moi dans la vie, mon pauvre ami ? Je vous félicite de m’avoir encore à vos côtés ! Vous-même d’ailleurs, auriez pu être tué. Mais cela, au moins, ce ne serait pas un deuil national ! Héros de Agatha Christie

Arsène Lupin
Hercule Poirot
Sherlock Holmes

13 questions
170 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : romans policiers et polars , humour , enquêteursCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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