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Gallery Books (01/01/2016)
3.8/5   5 notes
Résumé :
The Emmy Award-winning comedian, actress, writer, and star of Inside Amy Schumer and the acclaimed film Trainwreck has taken the entertainment world by storm with her winning blend of smart, satirical humor. Now, Amy Schumer has written a refreshingly candid and uproariously funny collection of (extremely) personal and observational essays.

In The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo, Amy mines her past for stories about her teenage years, her family, rela... >Voir plus
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I have wanted to read this book for a loooooong time. I have always been fond of Amy Schumer ever since I discovered her. There is just something about her. She's brutally honest and relatable in so many ways. I didn't really know what to expect with this book because I only read one "celebrity" book before and it was really bad. Still, I took a chance here and it was worth it. Good job Amy! (as if you needed my approval... and as If she were reading this^^)

I felt like I just got out of one long talk with a friend. She just states things as they are, standing in her truth. I laughed a lot, looked up for her sometimes, and I cried... A little. Well, this is not just a funny book about her crazy sex &love experiences (of course there are some of those which are hilarious!), or about her weight issues (by the way why does people always feel the need to talk about her weight when there is so much more to say about her than that?).
This book is not just a bunch of funny stories. It's her story, who she is. She's not that super hero funny and happy all the time. She had her hard times, she fought to get where she is. She has her flaws, of course she's far from perfect (and she constantly repeats it) but she's come a long way and somehow, now she knows who she is and wants to be.

To be continued on my blog
Lien : https://lepetitcrayonblog.wo..
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critiques presse (1)
23 août 2016
Entreprise de marketing ou pas, The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo vaut tout de même le détour, surtout si on est fan de Schumer. En effet, la jeune femme originaire de New York, féministe assumée, se raconte avec beaucoup de transparence même si cela signifie se montrer sous un moins beau jour.
Lire la critique sur le site : LaPresse
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We took off and I pretended to be really scared of flying. There was zero turbulence, yet I still found reasons to grab his arm and bury my face in his shoulder, inhaling his scent. I was blatantly throwing myself at him and we both laughed at how aggressive I was being. – The only one-night stand
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