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Dexter tome 8 sur 8
EAN : 9781523654512
202 pages
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (22/01/2016)
3.75/5   4 notes
Résumé :
After seven national bestsellers and eight seasons as one of the most successful shows on television, New York Times bestselling author Jeff Lindsay bids a thrilling farewell to his uniquely twisted and beloved serial killer, Dexter Morgan. Dexter Is Dead is the definitive conclusion of the character who has become a global icon.

Dexter Morgan has burned the candle at both ends for many years. Blood spatter analyst... husband... father... serial kill... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
C'est explosif, ça part dans tous les sens mais l'humour reste présent. Cette conclusion est digne de Dexter. Elle ne manque pas d'émotions mais en même temps, elle reste réaliste.

Cette fin est parfaite car elle laisse place à l'imagination. Une réussite.

[Avis complet sur mon blog]
Lien : https://lesentierdesmots.wor..
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And when you came right down to it, the only purpose to life that I have ever been able to find is not to die. You couldn’t let them push you out the door to go gentle into that good night. You had to rage, rage and slam that door on the bastards’ fingers. That was the contest – to delay the end of your personal match as long as you could. The point was not to win; you never did. Nobody can win in a game that ends with everybody dying – always, without exception. No, the only real point was to fight back and enjoy the combat. And by gum, I would.
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