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Shadow of the Fox tome 1 sur 3
EAN : 9781335145161
400 pages
Harlequin (02/10/2018)
3.83/5   3 notes
Résumé :
Now, for whoever holds the Scroll of a Thousand Prayers, a new wish will be granted. A new age is about to dawn.

Raised by monks in the isolated Silent Winds temple, Yumeko has trained all her life to hide her yokai nature. Half kitsune, half human, her skill with illusion is matched only by her penchant for mischief. Until the day her home is burned to the ground, her adoptive family is brutally slain and she is forced to flee for her life with the t... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Une lecture agréable mais malheureusement pas un coup de coeur. J'ai adoré l'univers inspiré du folklore japonais et les personnages globalement attachants mais pas assez démarqués du lot des personnages de YA.
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Lien : http://lecholitteraire.e-mon..
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Citations et extraits (7) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
"You can't trust anyone. Especially ronin. Ever seen wild dogs before?" His grin crept back, defiant.

"If they think you have food, they'll follow you for a while, but try to pet them and they'll go right for your throat."

"And yet," she said, "I've heard stories of wild dogs who would defend a stranger on the road to their last breath, simply because that person threw a crumb instead of a rock."
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"I've never known any tanuki to have that big a scrotum."

"Through I still think the statue is all wrong." She sniffed and passed it by, wrinkling her nose. "How would one even walk with those dragging along the ground? I would think they'd get horribly chafed."

I managed not to wince as I followed her through the door, but just barely.
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"I love the way samurai think," he announced, grinning. "So, you're coming with us, to make sure Kage-san stays alive, so you can kill him later." He snickered and shook his head. "Man, I can't wait to see where this goes."
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"We are guests here, and I have no desire to invite bad fortune into my house by offending them."

"I guess you're right," Okame said. "Though I can usually offend by simply existing. It's a talent, I suppose."
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"It seemed they weren't satisfied with starving to death while their emperor built himself a palace made of gold," Okame added behind us. "Ungrateful wretches."
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