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EAN : 9780008582463
352 pages
Farshore (01/09/2023)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Full of everything I love: a sparkling and fully-realized heroine, an intricate and deadly system of magic, and a searing romance that kept me reading long into the night.
Sarah J Maas on Serpent & Dove

Six months have passed since Célie took her sacred vows and joined the ranks of the Chasseurs as their first huntswoman. With her fiancé, Jean Luc, as captain, she is determined to find her foothold in her new role and help protect Belterra. But... >Voir plus
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Vidéo de Shelby Mahurin
Payot - Marque Page - Shelby Mahurin - Serpent & Dove
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