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EAN : 9780241983201
336 pages
Penguin (20/04/2019)
4/5   7 notes
Résumé :
There was a woman at the heart of the Trojan War whose voice has been silent - until now. Discover the greatest Greek myth of all - retold by the witness that history forgot . . .

Briseis was a queen until her city was destroyed. Now she is a slave to the man who butchered her husband and brothers. Trapped in a world defined by men, can she survive to become the author of her own story?
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Videos de Pat Barker (2) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Pat Barker
Stanley & Iris Official Trailer
autres livres classés : guerre de troieVoir plus

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Monstres de la mythologie grecque

Je suis une créature hybride, mi-homme mi-cheval.

Le Minotaure
Le Centaure
La Cavale
La Manticore

12 questions
3430 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : monstre , mythologie grecque , créatures mythologiques , mythologie , mythesCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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