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EAN : 9781250033055
424 pages
Thomas Dunne Books (01/07/2013)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
A heartwarming and witty novel about female friendships and how they will outlast any man from the author of The Secrets Women Keep

Bea, Kate and Ellen have always known that they can depend on each other, no matter what. But as each reaches a new phase in their life, their bond is put to the test.

Recently-divorced Bea's job is in jeopardy as she grapples with a new boss and her power-hungry younger colleagues. At home she has to deal ... >Voir plus
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Que lire après What Women WantVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
J'ai beaucoup aimé l'écriture de Fanny Blake. Ses personnages sont attachants, son histoire est très actuelle et son vocabulaire est riche et coloré (e.g. sartorial, higgledy-piggledy, inveigle et rigmarole).
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Citations et extraits (8) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
It was the best kind of English summer’s day—blue sky with puffs of cloud chased across it by a light wind. Sitting in the pub garden at a table in the shade of a whispering beech tree with a bowl of soup, a chunk of crusty bread and a glass of lager, the world seemed a better place.
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When a relationship comes to an end, the man finds another woman while the woman finds herself.
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He would never try to get Ben in a heart-to-heart. They were alike in that way. Better to brush anything emotional under the carpet and carry on without making things worse or more uncomfortable by talking about them.
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Her mother's words rushed into her head: 'Sarcasm is not the finest form of wit, especially for you, Bea.'
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Knots of disaffected youth hung about on corners, shouting and smoking, but to her relief, none of them appeared to notice her. For once, she thanked the Lord for the anonymity bestowed by middle age.
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