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EAN : 9781616952068
307 pages
Soho (19/02/2013)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
In a small Lao village, a very strange thing has happened. A woman was shot and killed in her bed during a burglary; she was given a funeral and everyone in the village saw her body burned. Then, three days later, she was back in her house as if she'd never been dead at all. But now she's clairvoyant, and can speak to the dead. That's why the long-dead brother of a Lao general has enlisted her to help his brother uncover his remains, which have been lost at the bott... >Voir plus
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Que lire après The woman who could not dieVoir plus
Citations et extraits (2) Ajouter une citation
 Why was this all so difficult? He just wanted to talk to ghosts. That was all.
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This was a life and a life was not to be reworked.
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Video de Colin Cotterill (1) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Colin Cotterill

POLAR HILARANT DE L'ETE : Tué sur un coup de tête, de Colin Cotterill, Prisma Noir
QUI SONT CES MYSTERIEUX SQUELETTES RETROUVES DANS UN COMBI VAN ? La vie de Jimm, jeune journaliste spécialisée en criminologie pour un journal en Thaïlande, ...
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Quiz Voir plus

Passer son galop 1

Quel est la 1er brosse utilisé pour le pansage ?

Le curt pied
Le bouchon
Le peigne

11 questions
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