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The Museum Mysteries tome 2 sur 2
EAN : 9780749023966
352 pages
Allison & Busby (18/07/2019)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
1894. A well-respected academic is found dead in a gentlemen's convenience cubicle at the British Museum, the stall locked from the inside. Professor Lance Pickering had been due to give a talk promoting the museum's new `Age of King Arthur' exhibition when he was stabbed repeatedly in the chest. Having forged a strong reputation working alongside the inimitable Inspector Abberline on the Jack the Ripper case, Daniel Wilson is called in to solve the mystery of the l... >Voir plus
Que lire après The museum mysteries, tome 2 : Murder at the British MuseumVoir plus
Citations et extraits (1) Ajouter une citation
London, 1894
Daniel Wilson and Abigail Fenton walked through the high-barred black iron gateway in Great Russell Street that gave entrance to the British Museum, then strode across the wide piazza towards the long row of towering Doric columns that fronted the magnificent building. Atop the columns were ornately carved friezes, recreating the imposing architectural styles of ancient Greece and Rome to inform the visitor that within this building were the treasures of those great civilisations, along with every other form of erudition and wonder known to man since the dawn of time.
They climbed the wide steps, passing beneath the huge porticos into the main entrance.
‘Murder at the British Museum,’ said Abigail, still bemused. ‘It’s a place where many of the exhibits celebrate violent death, but I’d never have thought one would actually occur here.
’‘Murder knows no boundaries,’ said Daniel. ‘A palace or a hovel, a desert or the most modern city in the world. It’s nearly always about love, money, power or revenge, and that can happen anywhere.’
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