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Commission uropéenne (01/01/2006)

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Vidéo de Commission Européenne
We would like to invite you to attend the conference “Past for the future” organised by the Collège des Bernardins, the Platform of European Memory and Conscience, and in partnership with the European Economic and Social Committee on the mornings of the 16th and 17th of November (from 10:00 to 12:30). This conference will attempt to analyse how we can work with the past, our shared history, as a tool to envision and forge the future of Europe, with a particular attention to the Russian-Ukrainian history and conflict, and how the Franco-German experience can serve as a blueprint for reconciliation. Within the context of the upcoming Conference on the Future of Europe; thinking about shared traumatic historical experiences as layers of a common ''other'' to define the European ''self'' can be one of the ways to strengthen European citizenship and solidarity. The final program of the conference cane be found in the facebook event, and will be sent to you after you sign up. Do not hesitate to have a look to have a better idea of the experts, historians, and professionals that we will be hosting and that we will be challenging on those questions. We will be hosting personalities from the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council of Europe, the House of European History ... If you are interested in participating, please sign up through the form here ( The conference will be held online, on the platform Zoom. You will receive a link to access the conference a few days before the event. A youtube livestream will also be made available on this event and a recording posted.
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Matin brun, Franck PAVLOFF

Quelle est la nouvelle couleur réglementaire pour les animaux domestiques ?

Le brun
Le marron
Le beige

10 questions
265 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Matin brun de Franck PavloffCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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