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EAN : 9780743285452
416 pages
Simon & Schuster (05/06/2006)
3/5   1 notes
Résumé :
From its first arrival in Britain with the Norman forces of William the Conqueror, violence and revenge are the cursed sword's constant companions. From an election-rigging scandal in 13th century Venice to the battlefield of Poitiers in 1356, as the Sword of Shame passes from owner to owner in this compelling collection of interlinked mysteries, it brings nothing but bad luck and disgrace to all who possess it.

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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
J'ai bien aimé ce recueil de nouvelles même si les récits trop courts pour laisser aux personnages le temps d'être développés correctement. Chaque auteur du groupe (CJ Sansom, Bernard Knight, Susanna Gregory, Philip Gooden, Michael Jecks, Ian Morson, Karen Maitland) a écrit son récit en incluant le thème imposé mais en conservant toute l'originalité qui lui est propre.
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Citations et extraits (1) Ajouter une citation
"May I see it ?"
Sir Ralph de la Pomeroy eyed his guest for a moment, then wandered to the chest that stood at the wall, its lock gleaming in the flickering light from the fire. "It's a beautiful piece of work", he said.
It was still in its original slightly scratched, leather scabbard, a simple enough sheath with bronze at the point and mouth. From it protruded an unadorned hilt with a simple disc pommel and cross-hilt fashioned to look like to dogs'heads, mouths gaping. He took it up, hefting it in his hand again. Even with the scabbard covering the blade, it had a natural balance about it - almost a life. It felt as though it held a strange energy all of its own...
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Roger-Jon Ellory : " **** le silence"


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