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EAN : 9781982127138
275 pages
Simon&Schuster Paperbacks (01/03/2019)
3.2/5   5 notes
Résumé :
Flynn is stuck—depressed, recently dumped, and living at his mom’s house. The supermarket was supposed to change all that. An ordinary job and a steady check. Work isn’t work when it’s saving you from yourself. But things aren’t quite as they seem in these aisles. Arriving to work one day to a crime scene, Flynn’s world collapses as the secrets of his tortured mind are revealed. And Flynn doesn’t want to go looking for answers at the supermarket. Because something t... >Voir plus
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I didn't yet have the mental stability to write, but I could read. The stories in the books transported me to other worlds. They let me become someone else. Not that I needed any help with that, but the stories in the books actually grounded me. It was the power of literature.
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Was I some asshole on a typewriter writing my own fate, solely for the entertainment of readers? Solely for self-validation? Self-preservation? Self-worth? Was I just some creative who was destroying my life for accolades and achievements?
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Fuck the literary world. I wanted to write something I'd want to read. And isn't that what art is about, anyway? Expressing yourself the way you want to. Maybe that's why I had been so scared to actually finish and release a book.
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Roger-Jon Ellory : " **** le silence"


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