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EAN : 9780316385176
192 pages
Yen Press (04/08/2015)
1/5   1 notes
Résumé :
The gamer siblings have their eyes on a new target--the land of the animal girls... It's gamer siblings vs. animal girls, but first there's some angel trouble to deal with! After having been summoned to the world of Disboard, where a boyish god has declared that all conflicts must be resolved via games, the genius gamer siblings Sora and Shiro have ascended to rule over the strange world's embattled humans. Now brother and sister must challenge the other races direc... >Voir plus
Que lire après No Game No Life, tome 2Voir plus

autres livres classés : light novelVoir plus

Lecteurs (8) Voir plus

Quiz Voir plus

La fantasy pour les nuls

Tolkien, le seigneur des ....


9 questions
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Thèmes : fantasy , sfff , heroic fantasyCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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