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EAN : 9781905624171
240 pages
English Heritage (15/10/2006)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Available for the first time in paperback, "This Spectred Isle" presents the 'other side' of a collection of intriguing English Heritage sites. Here you will find the legends and the mysteries, the tales of the unexplained, and the shivery unknown the fascinating stories that bring the past to life and clothe the ruins. The stories follow a journey from the tip of Cornwall at St. Michael's Mount, ending in the far north-east at Lindisfarne Priory on Holy Island and ... >Voir plus
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"Le bonheur est parfois caché dans l'inconnu". Qui est l'auteur de cette citation? Indice: 💃🏽

Jean d'Ormesson
Victor Hugo

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