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EAN : 9781556525773
608 pages
Chicago Review Press (01/01/2015)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
From the golden age of art movies and underground cinema to X-rated porn, splatter films, and midnight movies, this breathtaking thriller is a tour de force of cinematic fact and fantasy, full of metaphysical mysteries that will haunt the dreams of every moviegoer. Jonathan Gates could not have anticipated that his student studies would lead him to uncover the secret history of the movies—a tale of intrigue, deception, and death that stretches back to the 14th centu... >Voir plus
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Vidéo de Theodore Roszak
Theodore Roszak : Towards an Eco-Psychology (excerpt) -- Thinking Allowed DVD w/ Jeffrey Mishlove
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