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Nicola Del Roscio (Autre)
EAN : 9782754107815
240 pages
Fernand Hazan (17/09/2014)
4.5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Painted poetry: the ultimate monograph on Cy Twombly’s painting, drawing, sculpture and photography

Recognized as one of the greatest and most idiosyncratic artists of the postwar era, Cy Twombly left behind an oeuvre of incredible versatility, sensitivity and originality upon his death in 2011 at age 83. Working in the immediate aftermath of abstract expressionism, Twombly developed an intensely personal scription consisting of scrawled letters and w... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
La peinture de Twombly n'est-elle pas ce message qui s'efface et se réécrit ? Ses tableaux ont cette étonnante capacité à suggérer, de quelques griffures si judicieusement écrites, car il s'agit bien d'écriture, sur le papier ou la toile, un monde riche aux racines si profondes.
N'admire-t-on pas autant les titres que les peintures elles-mêmes ?
Commenter  J’apprécie          261

Citations et extraits (3) Ajouter une citation
This is all the more the case vis-à-vis literary cultures whose history and cultural achievements were significantly shaped and formed by the written word. In addition, Western cultures and their histories are not only archived and passed on from generation to generation by means of the written word, they are thereby also rendered into something that can be imagined. To that extent, the written letters in Cy Twombly's art, independent of how often they appear and the degree to which they are legible, represent a fundamental element of painterly articulation.
Commenter  J’apprécie          90
Twombly's most frequently used source of poetic fragments for his inscriptions is Rilke, followed by Keats, Sappho, Seferis, Spenser, and Mallarmé. A total of 7435 cited authors can be loosely classified according
to Twombly's stylistic development. In feverishly and briskly industrious phases, we find-to name only the most important stages-Sappho, starting in the summer of 1959 [fig. 1o], Mallarmé in December [fig. 2], Keats in August 1960 [ills. 17, 19], Pindar in November of the same year, Lorca and Neruda in the mid-1960s, and, starting in 1973, the "pastoral poets: Virgil [fig. 9], Bion of Smyrna, Spenser, Theocritus [fig. 8], and Andrew Marvell.
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This is very difficult to describe, but it is an involvement in essence (no matter how private) into a synthesis of feeling, intellect etc. occurring without separation in the impulse of action.

The idea of falling into obscurities or subjective nihilism
is absurd-such ideas can only be held by a lack of reference or experience.
Commenter  J’apprécie          70

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