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EAN : 9780373746460
288 pages
Harlequin (01/01/2012)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Ex-lawman Wyatt Ledger came back home to find his mother's killer…even if it was his father. The truth had haunted him nearly twenty years, but now nothing would come between them—except a damsel and her daughter in distress.

Kelly Burger sought a fresh start in the Hill Country, but when her dangerous past followed, she turned to the safe arms of her cowboy protector. Though he now battled two killers by day, at night Wyatt was defenseless against he... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Un roman avec des personnages sympathiques et des rebondissements à profusion qui m'ont tenu en haleine jusqu'au dernier chapitre.
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Citations et extraits (6) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
“(…) I remember seeing “Batman Returns” there at least five time.”
“I take it you were a Batman fan.”
“Best crime fighter of all time.”
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“I don’t get you Ledgers,” Kelly said (…) “Why go to all this trouble for me when you’ve just met me?”
“Wyatt obviously likes you and he’s our brother. It’s the cowboy code to help when you can, fight when you have to and never squat with your spurs on. Take your pick.”
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(…) Alyssa also believed that throwing pennies in the fountain in the courtyard of her favorite restaurant would help her meet the perfect man. If not, Facebook would.
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“(…) Mother never has a day without carob.”
“Sounds disgusting.”
“Carob’s not that bad once you get used to it.”
“That’s what they say about broccoli (…)”
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He traveled light. That was just one of the advantages of never putting down any deep roots or acquiring things like mortgages or a wife.
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