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EAN : 978B0008BED0O
Charles Scribner's Sons (30/11/-1)
5/5   1 notes
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A small boy and others by Henry James. Charles Scriner's sons. New York 1913.
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It exhaled at any rate a simple freshness, and I catch its pure breath, at our infantile Albany, as the very air of long summer afternoons – ocasions tasting of ample leisure, still bookless, yet begining to be bedless, or cribless ; tasting of accessible garden peaches in a liberal backward territory that was still almost part of a country town ; tasting of many-sized uncles, aunts, cousins, of strange legendary domestics … ; tasting above all of a big much-shaded savoury house in which a softly-sighing widowed grandmother, Catherine Barber by birth, whose attitude was a resigned consciousness of complications and accretions, dispensed an hospitality seemingly as joyless as it was certainly boundless. 
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I am interested for the moment, however, in identifying the scene of our very first perceptions – fo my very own at least, which I can here best speak for.
One of these, and probably the promptest in order, was that of my brother's occupying a place in the world to which I couldn't at all aspire (…). It glimmers to me that I quide definitely and resignedly thought of him as the most exemplary manner already beforehand with me, already seated at his task when the attempt to drag me crying and kicking to the first hour of my education failed on the threshold of the Dutch House in Albany (…). 
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That failure of my powers or that indiference to them, my retreat shrieking from the Dutch House, was to leave him once for all already there an embodied demonstration of the possible (…) ; as if he had gained such an advance of me in his sixteen months' experience of the world before mine began that I never for all the time of my childhood and youth in the least caught up with him to overlook him. He was always round the corner and out of sight, coming back into view but at his hours of extremest ease.
(Henry James parle de son frère William auquel il se compare).
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Homesickness was a luxury I remember craving from the tenderest age – a luxury of which I was unnaturally, or at least prosaically, deprived.
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The images I really distinguish flush through the maturer medium, but with the sense of them only the more wondrous. 
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Vidéo de Henry James
Avec "La Bête", le réalisateur Bertrand Bonello reprend à sa manière la nouvelle "La Bête dans la jungle", de Henry James, en plongeant Léa Seydoux dans un futur dystopique qui rappelle notre propre présent et dans lequel les émotions n'ont plus lieu d'être. Il est l'invité de Géraldine Mosna-Savoye et Nicolas Herbeaux.
Visuel de la vignette : "La Bête" de Bertrand Bonello, 2024 - Carole Bethuel
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Les écrivains et le suicide

En 1941, cette immense écrivaine, pensant devenir folle, va se jeter dans une rivière les poches pleine de pierres. Avant de mourir, elle écrit à son mari une lettre où elle dit prendre la meilleure décision qui soit.

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