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EAN : 9781524748067
352 pages
Pantheon Books (13/07/2021)
4/5   1 notes
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Que lire après Seek You: A Journey Through American LonelinessVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
A new epidemic? Loneliness. Radtke wonders whether this is a new epidemic, but what is certain is that even with all the technology at our disposal, loneliness is as acute as ever. Loneliness is everywhere, and although this story is about America, it certainly applies to other countries too. Radtke moves through different chapters. Listen… to her father searching for someone via his CQ call, to testimonials, to the biology of loneliness. See… how loneliness is gradually built up through the image of the lonely cowboy and through our childhood. Click… and the harmful effects of social media, which connect but don't connect. Touch… and Harlow's horrific experiments on monkeys. This graphic non-fiction story is beautifully illustrated with a stunning colour palette, but it's also quite depressing. It reminded me that the only thing that matters is relationships. We are nothing without them.
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Barring some premature catastrophe, we know that everything we have trickles out and thins – our lives begin to leave us before we leave them. Our parents, our partners, our friends, our minds.
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Un quiz plein d'étoiles (titres en littérature)

Quel écrivain, auteur de "Croc-Blanc", publie, en 1915, un roman fantastique intitulé "Le vagabond des étoiles" ?

Jack London
Romain Gary
Ernest Hemingway

10 questions
97 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : littérature française , littérature américaine , bande dessinée , culture générale , poésie , étoile , littérature , livres , romanCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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