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EAN : 9781447252290
288 pages
Pan McMillan (02/11/2017)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Author of the best-selling Clifton Chronicles, Jeffrey Archer, gives us fourteen gripping and rewarding short stories for readers to return to time and again.

Find out what happens to the hapless young detective from Naples who travels to an Italian hillside town to solve a murder and the pretentious schoolboy whose discovery of the origins of his father’s wealth changes his life forever. Follow the stories of the woman who dares to challenge the men ... >Voir plus
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Citations et extraits (3) Ajouter une citation
The doctor smiled and turned his cards over to reveal a pair of aces, a pair of queens and a ten, the smile remaining firmly in place.
The mayor began to turn his cards over one by one, prolonging the agony. A nine, a seven, a nine, a seven. Philippe's smile was still in place until the mayor revealed his final card, another nine.
'A full house,' said Tessier. 'The mayor wins.' The doctor frowned as the mayor gathered up his winnings without revealing the slightest emotion.
'You're a lucky bastard, Max,' said Philippe.
The mayor would like to have explained to Philippe that luck had very little to do with it, when it came to playing poker. Nine times out of ten, statistical probability and the ability to bluff would decide the final outcome.
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'It's like making love for the first time,' said the chief inspector. 'A copper never forgets his first arrest.'
While all his chums at school wanted to be Han Solo or James Bond, Guy Stanford saw himself more as Sherlock Holmes. So when the careers master asked him what he wanted to do when he left school, no one was surprised when he relied, 'I'm going to be a detective.'
Commenter  J’apprécie          80
‘How important is it to have good knowledge of the text?’ asked someone who at least had the courtesy to raise a hand so she could identify him.
‘Most important' said Dr Burbage, 'but not as important as being able to interpret the meaning of the words, so you have a better understanding of the text.’
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Vidéo de Jeffrey Archer
Jeffrey Archer - Plutôt mourir
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Roger-Jon Ellory : " **** le silence"


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