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EAN : 9780316487962
512 pages
Orbit (24/09/2019)
4/5   2 notes
Résumé :
Two nations at war. One prize beyond compare.

For generations, the Hundred Isles have built their ships from the bones of ancient dragons to fight an endless war. The dragons disappeared, but the battles for supremacy persisted.

Now, the first dragon in centuries has been spotted in far-off waters, and both sides see a chance to shift the balance of power in their favor. Because whoever catches it will win not only glory but the war.>Voir plus
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Vidéo de R. J. Barker
Fantasy readers love our tropes—the chosen one, the quest, the wise old mentor, prophecies fulfilled and thwarted. We also love a trope that's been turned on its head! At the end of the day, tropes are neither good nor bad—they're tools in your writing toolbox, and these authors will talk about how they deployed tropes in their writing and how you can, too. Featuring Rachel Gillig, K. S. Villoso, Katharine J. Adams, and RJ Barker.
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Les plus grands classiques de la science-fiction

Qui a écrit 1984

George Orwell
Aldous Huxley
H.G. Wells
Pierre Boulle

10 questions
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Thèmes : science-fictionCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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