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Harper Collins (23/10/2014)
4.71/5   7 notes
Résumé :
The new novel in Bernard Cornwell's number one bestselling series The Warrior Chronicles, on the making of England and the fate of his great hero, Uhtred of Bebbanburg. In the battle for power, there can be only one ruler. England is fractured, torn apart more by internal fighting than the threat of Viking invasion. The ruler of Mercia is dying, leaving no legitimate heir. His wife is a formidable fighter and great leader, but no woman has ever ruled over an English... >Voir plus
Que lire après Les chroniques saxonnes, tome 8 : The Empty ThroneVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Maybe the fifteenth I read from Cornwell, and till now I haven't been disappointed once. Guess some can just put classic words in the right order to make you dream again and again... What a gift of History telling! Thank you Lord Uhtred for the story of your life!
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We have known peace. There are times when we sow our fields and know we will live till harvest, times when all that our children know of war is what the poets sing to them. Those times are rare, yet I have tried to explain to my grandchildren what war is. I tell them it is bad, that it leads to sorrow and grief, yet they do not believe me. I tell them to walk into the village and see the crippled men, to stand by the graves and hear the widows weep, but they do not believe. Instead they hear the poets, they hear the pounding rhythm of the songs that quickens like a heart in battle, they hear the stories of heroes, of men, and of women too, who carried blades against an enemy who would kill and enslave us, they hear of the glory of war, and in the courtyards they play at war, striking with wooden swords against wicker shields, and they do not believe that war is an abomination. (p.277)
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Découvrez la bande-annonce de la série SONY The Winter King, diffusée sur OCS* à partir du 24 octobre 2023. Série du adaptée de "La Saga du Roi Arthur" de Bernard Cornwell.
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L'aigle de Sharpe - Bernard Cornwell

Le petit nom de Sharpe est ?


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Thème : Les aventures de Sharpe, tome 1 : L'aigle de Sharpe de Bernard CornwellCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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