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EAN : 9780750934978
235 pages
Sutton Publishing (01/01/2006)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
The brooding grey walls of the Tower of London circumscribe one of the most recognisable buildings on the planet. Over its thousand-year history the Tower stood as a symbol of the English monarchy and served as both a palace and a prison. It is a place where court intrigues, clandestine liaisons, unimaginable tortures and grisly executions took place with frightening regularity. Tales from the Tower is the factual history of the great building itself told through th... >Voir plus
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Quelle guerre ?

Autant en emporte le vent, de Margaret Mitchell

la guerre hispano américaine
la guerre d'indépendance américaine
la guerre de sécession
la guerre des pâtissiers

12 questions
3199 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : guerre , histoire militaire , histoireCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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