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Christine Ferguson (Autre)5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Parkinson's disease and diet a puplication from the Michael J. Fox Foundation
lla maladie de Parkinson et son régime, une publication par la fondation Michael J. Fox
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Que lire après Parkinson’s Disease and Diet: A Practical GuideVoir plus
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Si vous cherchez à en savoir plus sur la maladie de Parkinson, et son régime alimentaire, même si je ne connais pas le sujet, je peux vous indiqué un document numérique en libre accès édité par la très sérieuse fondation de Michal . J Fox, la fondation de l'acteur de Retour vers le futur, qui a fait son coming out pour signaler au public sa maladie, pour pouvoir l'utiliser dans son métier au lieu de la cacher... un acte de courage... Il avait aussi une femme courageuse, puisque celle-ci, valide, a du renoncer à sa carrière pour tout gérer à sa place ! Tout est expliqué dans son film Still... on voit la dégradation progressive de son corps, et l'impact sur sa vie personnelle et sa vie professionnelle.... Saluons ce courage, car même face à des difficultés énormes, nos sociétés modernes sont souvent pénibles face à ce genre de déclaration.. heureusement pour Mickael J. Fox, il n'en a rien été !
On commence par nous dire qu'il n'y a pas de régime pour cette maladie mais que ce que vous mangez peut affecter le résultat de la médication! Une information capital quand on y pense.... utiliser l'alimentation pour que le traitement soit plus efficace, et que la personne se sente du coup au mieux, voilà une initiative intéressante de la recherche, même si je ne sais pas si cela marche, cela mérite d'être regardé de plus près.... alors si vous connaissez un parkinsonien qui galère... trouver la personne qui pourra lui traduire ce document, c'est utile !
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Citations et extraits (13) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
Diet and Parkinson’s Symptoms
Constipation is, unfortunately, common for people with Parkinson’s disease. Not only is this non-movement symptom uncomfortable, it can interfere with the uptake and benefit of medication. The first steps in managing constipation are dietary and lifestyle changes. Consider these tips: + Drink at least six 8-ounce glasses of water per day. Water increases flow through the digestive tract. Warm water or prune juice, especially in the mornings, can help stimulate a bowel movement. Caffeine, alcohol and hot weather can cause dehydration and therefore increase your water needs. + Add more fiber to your diet. Fiber helps drive waste through the intestine. Gradually increase the amount of fiber in your diet with vegetables, berries, fruits with skin (such as pears and apples) and whole grains. As you increase your fiber intake, you must also increase your fluid intake. Fiber and fluid work together to normalize bowel movements.
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Swallowing Problems
As Parkinson’s progresses, a person may develop changes with eating or drinking. It may be more difficult to swallow certain foods or liquids, or you may notice you’re clearing your throat or coughing with meals. For some, it feels like food gets stuck as it’s going down. Swallowing problems can be mild or more significant, and they could increase risk for choking or pneumonia. Your doctor and a speech and swallowing therapist can evaluate and treat swallowing problems. Solutions for swallowing difficulties may include:
+ Strategies to swallow safely such as tucking your chin while swallowing, not drinking through straws, taking small bites and chewing slowly, and waiting until after meals to drink beverages.
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Frequently Asked Questions about Parkinson’s and Diet
I’ve heard fava beans contain levodopa. Should I eat them to treat my Parkinson’s?
Fava beans do contain levodopa. But how much they contain and how well your body might absorb them varies. If and how your symptoms might respond to fava beans is unclear. Eating fava beans on their own to treat your Parkinson’s may or may not have any noticeable effect. Consuming large amounts of fava beans when you are taking prescribed levodopa (in Sinemet or Rytary, for example) could result in too much levodopa and dyskinesia (uncontrolled, involuntary movement).
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Is drinking coffee good for Parkinson’s?
In large population studies, researchers found that people who drank coffee seemed to have a lower risk of being diagnosed with Parkinson’s. This shows a relationship between coffee and Parkinson’s, but does not prove that drinking coffee decreases the risk of Parkinson’s. Researchers can follow these associations to learn more about the disease and develop potential treatments. A therapy in clinical testing for dyskinesia (involuntary, uncontrolled movement), for
example, works in the same brain areas as caffeine.
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Dopamine agonists
Mirapex (pramipexole), Neupro (rotigotine) and Requip (ropinirole) This class of drugs does not compete with dietary protein for absorption like levodopa does, so there are no specific dietary restrictions. But each individual has different medication responses and side effects. If symptoms are generally poorly controlled, your doctor may recommend you take the drug on an empty stomach. If, on the other hand, the medication causes a side effect such as nausea, your doctor may suggest taking it with food.
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