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EAN : 9781472814678
80 pages
Osprey (22/09/2016)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
As Europe plunged into World War II, Hitler ordered the development of a hi-tech secret weapon capable of taking the war across the Atlantic - the Messerschmitt Me 264. Chosen from designs for an 'Amerika Bomber' tendered by Messerschmitt, Junkers and Focke-Wulf, this ultra-long-range aircraft would be capable of attacking cities in the United States. Just one month before the attack on Pearl Harbor and the American entry into World War II Hitler was promising, priv... >Voir plus
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Feldmarschall Milch was of the opinion that this prototype must be properly flight-tested before a decision was taken about a big production run, basically because quite often with Messerschmitt’s new aircraft, a weakness appears requiring a big reconstruction job.
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C'est la guerre !

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