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EAN : 9780425219720
352 pages
Berkley Trade Pub (01/02/2008)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Hard to Handle After Fate deals Supreme Battle Challenge (SBC) fighter Harley Handleman a sucker punch, his uncle secretly hires a life-coach to get Harley back in the ring of life. Anastasia Kelley has actually known Harley for years, but never as well as shes going to now. Original. Full description
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Comme dans le tome précédent, j'ai bien aimé l'histoire, les personnages. Mais à nouveau, la fin est expédiée en à peine quelques pages. Ça gâche le reste.
Par contre, il faut lire les livres dans l'ordre pour ne pas se faire spoiler des éléments car les 3 livres se déroulent dans le même cercle de personnes. Mon préféré reste le tome 2 sur Dean.
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Video de Lori Foster (1) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Lori Foster
Earlier this year we reached out to our fans with a challenge ? tell us who YOU know, who is making the world a better, happier place. We know our fans understand the value of an uplifting experience ? they?ve told us how our books give them that moment of calm and joy in their busy and stressful days, so they had no trouble identifying uplifting and joyful people in their lives!
We had an internal team look at all the responses we received, and they picked these 5 amazing women (and the Harlequin fans who nominated them) to get a Feel Good Prize pack that included heartfelt novels by Susan Mallery, Lori Foster, Lee Tobin McClain and Jo McNally and more. Here are their uplifting stories on how they are making the world a better place for everyone!
Want to learn more about The Feel Good Project? Visit for more information on how you can get involved!
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Dans quelle pièce de W. Shakespeare le héros est confronté avec le spectre de son père ?

Le marchand de Venise
Richard II
Titus Andronicus

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