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Miss Fisher enquête tome 12 sur 20
EAN : 978B00M0DEW1S
Poisoned Pen Press (30/11/-1)

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Book 12 of 20 in the Phryne Fisher Mysteries Series
Always enticing in divine twenties fashion, Phryne, one of the most exciting and likeable heroines in crime writing today, leads us through a tightly plotted maze of thrilling adventure set in 1920s Australia. The divine Phryne Fisher returns to lead another dance of intrigue. Seven Australian soldiers, carousing in Paris in 1918, unknowingly witness a murder and their presence has devastating consequences... >Voir plus
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Que lire après Miss Fisher enquête, tome 12 : Murder in MontparnasseVoir plus
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Things accumulated in purses. Unless they were deliberately unloaded and all contents examined for utility occasionally, one could find oneself transporting around in one's daily life three lipstick cases with just a crumb of lipstick left, an old eyebrow pencil sharpener without a blade, pieces of defunct watch, odd earrings, handkerchiefs (three crumpled, one uncrumpled), two grubby powder puffs, bent hairpins, patterns of ribbon to be matched, a cigarette lighter without fuel (and two with fuel), a spark plug, some papers of Bex and a sprinkling of loose white aspirin, eleven train tickets (the return half of which had not been given up), four tram tickets, cinema and theatre stubs, seven pence three farthings in loose change and the mandatory throat lozenge stuck to the lining. At least, those had been the extra contents of Phyrne's bag the last time Dot had turned it out.
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Vidéo de Kerry Greenwood
Bande annonce de Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, série basée sur les romans de Kerry Greenwood.
autres livres classés : littérature australienneVoir plus
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