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EAN : 9780393050042
288 pages
W.W. Norton & Company Ltd. (01/01/2000)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
In the 1830s, the forbidding Antarctic region represented the ultimate mystery. The prospect of discovering a lucrative whaling ground made this as yet uncharted and unexploited region especially enticing. Three expediti ons to the pole were launched simultaneously by the United States, France, and Britain, each nation vying to be the first to venture farther south than any vessel had ever sailed before. these expeditions paved the way for the explorers, traders, an... >Voir plus
Que lire après The race to the white continent, voyages to the antarcticVoir plus

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Si je vous dis "Histoires extraordinaires"

Edgar Allan Poe
Honoré de Balzac
Agatha Christie

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