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EAN : 9780785119708
144 pages
MARVEL - US (01/01/2006)
3.33/5   6 notes
Résumé :
He's lost his powers, his sister, and his cause. How far is he willing to go to get them back? All he wanted was to make the world a perfect place for mutantkind. Pietro Maximoff was Quicksilver, the fastest living creature on Earth - until the Scarlet Witch took it away. Now, the son of Magneto is despised, rejected, alone and powerless. Crished and deafeated, his only hope and refuge lies with the Inhumans. Reunited with his wife Crystal, will his desperate ambiti... >Voir plus
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David Hine parlant du comic, Days Missing
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Famille je vous [h]aime

Complétez le titre du roman de Roy Lewis : Pourquoi j'ai mangé mon _ _ _


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