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EAN : 9782253055990
128 pages
Le Livre de Poche (01/05/1992)
4.2/5   5 notes
Résumé :
Cette collection s'adresse à tous ceux qui désirent découvrir ou redécouvrir le plaisir de lire dans leur langue d'origine les œuvres des plus grands auteurs contemporains. Notes en anglais en regard du texte et lexique bilingue en fin de volume dispensent d'un recours fastidieux au dictionnaire.
présentées par Marielle Law et John S. Law
Catherine Wells : The Ghost
H. R. Wakefield : Nurse's Tale
Richard Hughes : The Ghost
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (2) Ajouter une critique
« English Ghost Stories » is a collection of five short stories in English, the result? A small, very accessible book, ideal for those who are not used to reading in English. Especially since each text only occupies about fifteen pages and is divided into mini chapters allowing you to take breaks almost whenever you want. It is important to note the presence of a very well-designed glossary to understand the rich vocabulary used, which dispenses us from a tedious recourse to the dictionary. The five short stories selected in this collection are generally very pleasant to read. None of them is bad; and if the last one, "Midnight Express";, is clearly below the previous ones, it is nevertheless endowed with its own charm and above all with an originality that the five others lack. Their predictability is indeed the biggest flaw in these texts. We're dealing with some really classic ghost stories, which, fortunately, the narration easily compensates for the predictability. We can expect that "Dual Control"is clearly stands out from the crowd with its bewitching atmosphere and the usual decor of a daily couple life. It shows a couple visiting friends for a party, which will turn into a nightmare on the way to the car, leaving a woman in bad shape on the side of the road, which will harm them on the way back after the party with a most agonizing chase with the ghost of a woman present at their friends'; party. The other news items all have their own qualities, none of them are like any other and there is plenty of variety. This makes reading all the more enjoyable, without the slightest feeling of redundancy. In conclusion, it is a collection of news that in turn challenges, frightens, makes us smile; but in the end it makes us question the tangible reality. The use of vocabulary is very rich and the styles are a delight to read. This collection is for all those who wish to discover or rediscover the pleasure of reading in the elegant language of Old English. So, of course, the book is not thick and therefore reads very quickly. But if you like ghost stories and/or are looking for an easy read in English, « English Ghost Stories » is sure to please you. Ideal between two thicker books.
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Un ensemble de nouvelles qui tour à tour interpellent, effraient, font sourire; mais au fond nous rendent le réel tangible discutable. L'emploi du vocabulaire est très riche et les styles sont un régal de lecture.
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Citations et extraits (3) Ajouter une citation
Forewarned is forearmed.

(in "The Ghost", by Catherine Wells)
Commenter  J’apprécie          70
She was of that order of apprehensive, slightly nervous people who do not believe in ghosts, but all the same hope devoutly they may never see one.

(in "The Ghost", by Catherine Wells)
Commenter  J’apprécie          10
"It was a battered old book, bound in red buckram".
Commenter  J’apprécie          00

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Dans quelle rue de Londres vit Sherlock Holmes, le célèbre détective ?

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Glasshouse Street

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